Sunday, August 19, 2012

Scripture and a Snapshot: Teacher's Pet

As you may have guessed from some of my summer posts, James ate my lunch.
Most days I put down my pencil and did a lot of thinking and praying.
I remember hearing someone say once that the gospel is offensive because only what offends me will change me.
I want to be changed by James's words.
They offend the dark, selfish places in my heart that are contrary to the Christ-like person God intends for me to become.
James 2:1-4 has many applications in our appearance-driven culture, but in the most daily of senses, it speaks to me as a teacher about my little acts of favoritism.
Let's face it.
Some kids are more likeable than others.
James challenges me to check my responses and presuppositions about students.
2012 @dwellinginthehouse
Something to ponder!
Be blessed,


  1. A powerful reminder ... no matter what we do or where we are in life.

  2. I'm a teacher also. With school about to start in a few weeks, this is a great reminder for me. Thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!

  3. So true! James does pierce those parts of the heart that are comfortable. Important words to ponder today.

  4. Ginger - I so love and appreciate how you share your journey and how it challenges me also! Thank you! Such truth in His word - and love too!!


  5. I just recently read the book of James again and was once again challenged in my behavior towards others. Thank you for sharing this much needed reminder! Lovely photo, too :)

  6. Glad you linked up to S&S this week and that I've come by. It blesses me to know that there are teachers in our school systems who love God and His Word!! I drive a school bus and we're gearing up, here in our little town {in VT}. School begins next week.
