Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Project: Great Big Stinkin' Mess

Hi, y'all.
Our small trip out of town for the 4th turned into a long bloggy break when we returned home to a very ill computer.  
She required extensive medical intervention.  
In the meantime, I've gotten myself into a great big project mess.
You know, the kind when you think, "This will just take a couple of days!  I'll whip this out, and it'll be easy!"
Yeah, that kind.
I'm painting my kitchen cabinets--just the bottom half, which is what lured me into believing this would be simple.
My camera card got left behind at the computer repair store, or I'd show you the effects of Hurricane Bright Idea on my kitchen.
Did I mention people are coming over tomorrow night???
The good news?
After our-ahem-second trip to Lowe's to choose a color--
I think I'm in love.
Here's the inspiration picture:
red kitchen cabinets 
 Stay tuned for the finished product--though it will take a few days!
Be blessed,

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