Outside my window: dogs arguing over steak bones, late summer sunlight, beckoning rocker that must be ignored.
On my kitchen table: Brandywine tomatoes, a few aging apples in my mother’s yellow mixing bowl, cabbage plants that must not be ignored
On my CD player: Chris Tomlin “Awakening”, with a heart cry that I know the Father won’t ignore.
On my to-do list: papers, papers, and more papers to be graded; dishes in the sink (wish I could ignore)
On the evening’s agenda: next-to-last week of “Jesus the One and Only”
On my reading list: “Forgotten God” by Frances Chan
On my wish list: Canon Rebel DSLR, clean dishes, a nap
On my prayer list: teenagers, middle schoolers, my pastor’s family, my church, the nation, all of you
What’s up at your house?
Be blessed today!
Trying to get loose ends tied up at home because we are headed down your way with the camper. We always do Labor Day weekend at Doll Mountain Campground. We should meet for a cup at Starbucks.