Monday, May 2, 2011

In a Desert

Usually I am not one at a loss for words.

Lately, I’ve run out.

 These days, I feel like a desert-dweller.

I’ve cried out to God until I’m hoarse, and my spirit seems shriveled. 



(Image found here)

Desert seasons originate from lots of different places.

Some of them God appoints for us.

Some we extend unnecessarily by our disobedience.

This one, I think, is a waiting season, one  God sees and speaks into softly.

A friend praying for me yesterday used those words, “desert season,” and I marveled at His goodness to give her the very phrase that I was sensing.

Another friend inadvertently gave me my memory verse for early May:

Psalm 119:71-72

It was good for me to be afflicted,

so that I might learn Your decrees.

The law from Your mouth is more precious to me

than thousands of pieces of silver and gold.

I have no plans to hang out in my desert for long,

put up a pup-tent,

hang pictures.

While I’m praying for a short season, I know it will have been good for me to be here.

He will call me out of it with lots to say,

and He will have been worth it.

Be blessed,



  1. Blessings to you as well, sister.

  2. I am one who went through what seemed to be a desert season about a year ago. In truth, it was God doing a work in and through me that was required for what He had ahead of me. It is only as I am out of that season that I can look back and see the good in it. Press into Him in this desert season. It will pass and you will look back and see His hand all over it.

  3. "Who is this who comes up from the wilderness leaning upon her Beloved?" Song of Solomon 8:5
    These desert/wilderness times teach us to lean. You will come out, marked by this time, as your Beloveds.
    Your fellow desert leaner,
    Elizabeth :)
