**I am reposting this because I need to tell you today that, if you are in the place I was last Easter, the lonely waiting, the place of faith-not-sight, Jesus is TRUSTWORTHY. He will NOT leave work undone. I can’t tell you the whole story—partly because it isn’t finished yet—but I can say He has brought us down a long road in a year, and it was worth believing Him for it. I am praying you will, too.**
Yesterday, we had a beautiful day:
glorious warm temperatures, blooming snapdragons,
and (my favorite) tiny, green flower-promises on the hydrangea.
At church, we heard the Word in song,
felt and watched the Holy Spirit move,
rejoiced in the Hope of Easter-- Christ, our Risen Redeemer.
A beautiful day.
A difficult day.
Though Easter dawned, the concerns that have shaped my prayers for months didn’t vanish like the grey clouds.
If anything, they seemed magnified when juxtaposed with joy.
It occurred to me this weekend that Saturday was the worst day for the disciples.
The trauma was over,
but they were no doubt shell-shocked, numb with fear and grief.
They didn’t know the end of the story.
I tend to minimize their suffering because I know the end of the story.
I don’t think God minimized it.
The God Who orchestrated all for His perfect will
saw their pain, their disappointment, their unbelief.
He loved them, silently.
And He loved them, loudly,
because He was finishing the work that would bring Sunday.
Maybe you are like me, and you are still waiting on your “Easter”, the hope reborn, the promise fulfilled.

Will you join me in believing Him for it?
Some days we believe tenuously, others tenaciously, but always—I pray-- faithfully.
Please, Lord, let me be found faithful in the waiting.
Easter’s coming.
Be blessed,