Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Gratitude Project

At just the right time--which is like, years behind the rest of the known world, I am reading One Thousand Gifts.  
It is eating my lunch.
Now that I, today, have said and done the absolute last thing I can say or do about some hard things,
 it is time for me to move on to some serious joy.
May I admit something?
This year I was a gift-counting drop-out.  And a scripture-memory team drop-out. 
 I made it through March on the first one and into June with the second.  
(Long about the time things slammed the wall around here, but that's neither here nor there.)
It's been intense.  I am tired.  
I need an IV--intravenous gratitude, a blood-level reboot that infuses my heart, soul, and mind.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.
I need to think on these things.
1.trees along the fence line
2. walking
3. trees with all three colors of leaves
4. fall blue sky
5.dates with Big Red
6. watching a teen become more thankful and more thoughtful
7. being able to restore relationship with a prickly teen
8. Saturday morning
9. money for groceries
10. money to give away
11. woodsy, piney rosemary
12. spinach in the garden
13. baby broccoli heads
14. garden beds
15.eyes to see
16. ears to hear
17. a heart to understand
18. a Savior willing to heal me.
20. words--poesm, songs, alliteration--how lovely that all that is possible
21. six-word autobiographies
22.blogs and blog friends
23. dishwashers
24. coffee makers to prep into make-ahead meals
26.a few more weeks of sunrises thanks to the time change
27.planning for Christmas


  1. Those prickly teens - I've learned a lot about how God loves me through raising these teens! I think little children teach us about beautiful love - and teens teach us about unconditional love! Wishing you JOY in your blessing journey. It changed my life, these love letters He sends me in the daily!

  2. So glad you're counting, even in the hard time you're going through....I must admit, some weeks it's a stuggle to see the blessings, to count, to post about it, when my heart is heavy...but always, always, there are blessings to count.
