Saturday, November 30, 2013


I am a struggling recovering perfectionist.  Even after  years of little victories, I have to guard my heart vigilantly to keep from sliding into that pit again and again.
Psalm 119:96 reminds me this morning that all perfection has limits except Christ.
His Word (and He is the Word made flesh) is boundless.
His perfection shatters my weak version of it.
What I've desired in its watered-down earth version, He offers through His righteousness,
completed in my final Home.
There it will be pure and untainted with pride or frustration.
There it will be my worship that is boundless.
Linking at Still Saturday,Sunday Community, and Scripture and a Snapshot.


  1. Thanks. I think much the same way you described. And, in our present day world, complication is increasing and increasing. I sometimes simply don't know what to do, how to come up with the correct Word complications. You touched/shared it around and about. Thank you.

  2. Your blog looks so beautiful! Great photo as well as your thoughts on perfectionism.

  3. Thank you for sharing's a wonderful reminder to remember that everything will not be perfect untilt he day He has perfected it.
    I also really like your blog header picture :-)
