Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Word Wednesday: Out of Balance

Ice mixes with snow out my window, but I am sitting here thankful for the power is still on!  Yesterday we beavered away around the house; today I plan to grade papers, rest, and sink deep into the gospel of John.
 Studying scripture brings out the student in me.  I love research, looking at different perspectives, chewing on new information.  
I've noticed, though, that sometimes I can parse Greek verbs to the point that I miss the point.
Know what I mean?
I walked away from a commentary underwhelmed by the events in one chapter.
Then I caught myself--or should I say--the Holy Spirit convicted me.
I had been seeking information, not relationship.
I had read for learning, not love.
Don't misunderstand; I love study, and I think it's worshipful--when it leads me to worship.
At first I was thinking that I needed balance.  Time spent studying; time spent loving.
Then my David-Crowder-fan husband played a song last night that changed my thinking.
I don't want balance.
I want obsession.
I want to be so obsessed with my Savior that I do all things to know Him and glorify Him.
Whatever fuels my love for Him, I want more of it, and since He fuels my love for Him, I want more of Him.
This morning, in those quiet predawn hours when I am the only one awake, those less-than-amazing Greek words floated back to my mind, and He showed me what they really meant--how they lead a man to see Jesus for Who He is.
And I was overwhelmed.



  1. Oh my! Yes to all of this. LOVED! I want more of HIM! This truly spoke to me in many ways. I began a challenge to read through the Bible this year and while I'd love to study His word I knew what He was calling me to do was to simply be with Him and let Him speak to me in new ways. Those mornings with Him are glorious indeed. I hope your power is still on. Praying for all who have been impacted by the storm.
    Thanks for joining us for Three Word Wednesday. I'm so grateful to have you as part of this writing family.

  2. I love everything about this post! What an amazing Father we have!! <3
