Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 21: An Open Letter to My Student

Dear Student,
  Just so you know,  I really do believe what I do is important.  It does matter, in the long run, that you can string five words together into a logical, grammatically-correct thought;
 it's a skill that's infinitely satisfying and useful. 
 I think the books we read together are worth your time.
 I want you to hear the elegant language, laugh in all the right places, think deep thoughts about theme.
  Don't tell anyone,
 but it's my sneaky way to interject 
 some things about life and people and sorrow and hope
 that maybe, just maybe, you'll remember one day.
   But here's what I know
 every day.
  I know that you need a lot more than a book and an expository essay to make it through life.
I know that lots of things about your life stink, that you have no good reason to trust adults,
 that you desparately want boundaries, even if you pretend you don't.
I know that all the character ed, "positive interventions", and success awards in the world won't heal your heart,
give you purpose,
save your life.
Every day I know that I can give you commas and sentence structures and vocabulary words,
 but I can't give you the One you need.
You don't need another anti-bullying campaign or cyber-manners course.
You need Jesus,
just like I need Jesus.
What I can do is pray for you.
When I grade your paper or monitor the hallway,
 or even when I wish the bell would ring (and you do, too),
 I can lift you up before my Father, 
and ask that His mercy, grace, and love
 become your greatest life lessons.
Your Teacher