
Monday, January 21, 2013

A Hello and a List: When the Sun Shines (or Not)

Multitasking again today!
Hello, sunshine!  You are such a blessing after a week of dark and rain and flood worries.  You make up for no snow day.

Hello, cold, cold temperatures!  It's about time you showed up when you're supposed to instead of waiting until April.
Hello, third cup of coffee.  You're decaf, so maybe you're not so bad,  really?  It seems you are a comfort in these busy days; I can pretend I am lingering over the morning's quiet.
Hello, sleeping in day!  Monday off after a weekend of having to be up at dark thirty = super blessing.
Hello, parenting challenges.  Lord, teach me how to pray in this season when I am fresh out of wisdom.

My gratitude list continues:
46.  Friends who have grown kids and reassure me that I'm not crazy for thinking this is hard
47.  New Bible study group--small but sweet
48.  New CD love--The Struggle by Tenth Avenue North
49. Sunshine!
50. Flowers in a milk jug

51. Psalms
52. Chai
53. Early, early Florida strawberries on sale at the grocery
54. a nerd-girl who loves being a nerd
55.being invited to be known by the Lord, El-Elohim--the Creator--not just used by Him
Be blessed,
Linking here


  1. Hello to you! I just loved your gratitude list, so inspiring! =]

  2. Lovely post, lovely photos, and no, you're not crazy, parenting has challenges at every stage. :)

  3. Hello sweet friend, a catching up with my friends today!

    We have amazing weather in So. Cal this past weekend - DElightful!

    Saying a prayer for you for the parenting challenges - I understand!


  4. I have 'You are my sunshine' on the wall here as well.
    Hey, the world is small, isn't it?
    Bless you.
