
Friday, November 16, 2012


It's been a while since I've done a "Currently"  post (okay, since I've done any post) but I have good reasons, I promise.
Recovering: from the triple-whammy of revival services at our church, the last week of school before Thanksgiving break, and Round Two of the sinus-stomach-headache bug-thingy that's been circulating our campus.  Oh, and insomnia. Make that a quadruple-whammy.
Listening:to Barlow Girls Carol of the Bells for our Christmas music at church; I admit I'm getting into the Christmas spirit early this year
Neglecting:housework and exercise
Fighting:the army of ladybugs that keeps landing in my lap
Savoring: Friday afternoon and a skinny Peppermint Mocha
Looking forward to:Hobby Lobby run tomorrow morning with a friend, and an afternoon shopping excursion with the DD's.
Reading:The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley, a very British mystery with an 11 year old protagonist
Realizing: my "I'll do that over Thanksgiving break" list is impossibly lengthy
Planning:Christmas mantels, gift lists, blog surprises
Be blessed this weekend,


  1. Good to have you pop in with a post. your posts are always so beautiful. Blessings.

  2. Hi Ginger -- so sorry you guys have been under the weather!

    I always look forward to reading your heart - its like we are having coffee!

    Hope your weekend is being happy!

  3. Hope everyone is feeling better at your house. Thanks so much for stopping by Posed Perfection and leaving me a sweet comment on my Sour Cream Pork Chops. I am your newest GFC follower. I love to hear what the Lord is doing in people's lives and I look forward to following your journey. I hope you'll visit again soon and maybe even follow me back. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!
