
Saturday, September 15, 2012

This is the Post Where I Should Tell You Something Profound

But I won't, I don't think.
You see, this has just been one of those weeks. 
The ones when I'm reminded less of how far we've come and more of how far we have yet to go.
One when my world is full of "uns":
undone dishes
unwashed clothes
ungraded papers
a counter full of overripe tomatoes left unattended
a heart left unguarded, too sleepy and rushed in the small hours to really rest in the presence of God
One when I lose my Mom-of-the-Year, Wife-of-the-Year nomination.
So this afternoon (Friday afternoon! Glorious Friday!), I sit and read blogposts that remind me who I am and Who He is, and I want to unwrap the presents of spying an upside-down squirrel on a sunflower stalk, cutting zinnias that stand like a candy-store display, eating pizza,watching Captain America.
I'm tired of life getting in the way of living.
So the something profound I should tell you is just this:
next week, I'm praying for God to change me, not everyone else.
I want to come undone in His presence,and watch and see what He unwraps.
Be blessed,


  1. I wish you lived closer and we could meet face to face...all that to say this, I'm feeling every word of your post, my friend. I need a God intervention in my heart today. :)

    1. And me too. Can I come? Coffee and cake?
      Thanks for this, Ginger.
      Some days God is all around, sometimes nowhere to be seen. All I need are eyes to see.

  2. great post! i totally can relate!

  3. Know that I can definitely relate. I think Jesus probably can too. Blessings to you.

  4. love that perspective Ginger!

    Blessing your week for Him to meet you right where you are and remind you how wonderfully made you are - come undone and bathe in His grace!

