
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Midweek Mary Moment: Just You and me

I walked in from a frustrating errand-run to hear my husband playing this song.
We're big David Crowder fans around here, and I'm not sure how we'd missed it.
Maybe God knew I needed these words to fall fresh on my heart this week.
Having absolutely no idea what David Crowder was thinking when this song was recorded, I won't presume to know the purpose of the "round" at the end, but I like to think of it as a picture of our prayers.
Do you ever wonder how the Creator of the Universe, the LORD of every follower of His Only Son, hears every prayer prayed by His children?
Whispered, shouted, alone, with a whole congregation, He listens and answers to them all.
The overlapping choruses at the end of this song remind me that no matter how many voices around the earth are crying out to the Lord at the same moment I am, 
it really is just Him and me. 
And just Him and you.
And just Him and the orphan on the streets of Bangladesh, 
or the business executive in his office in DC, or the harried mom in the carpool line.
The blood of Jesus opened the way for me to enter the throne room of my Father and hear Him say, 
"It's just you and Me here now."

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