
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

This is Just to Say

…that I have posts planned and ready in the recesses of my brain.

… that standardized testing week inhibits brain activity in middle-aged women,

.. that ,based on my after-test classes, it’s not helping things in the teenage noggin either,

.. that I am praying for a supernatural, only-God love for said teenagers over the next few weeks—because right now we’re a tad frustrated with one another;

..and that I appreciate your blog patience!

Be blessed,



  1. oh ginger! do i hear you! I am praying for god love too as the last few days have been tough over here! standardized testing ugh - dont get it - too much pressure on all of us!

    take as much time as you need dear i will be hear waiting for |"hear" what you have to say!

    i am sitting on the love seat that is my pull out bed while my daughter does her homework - dinner well that will be a bit of this and that! we have a wednesday night service but i think dear daughter and i will spend some time together - its needed! God is good!

    blessings to you!

  2. Be blessed Ginger! Will add you and said teen to our prayer list. We do get through these years, and then wish for them all over again! gin

  3. I feel your pain. We are right in the thick of our ISATs too. There is entirely too much stress. Hang in there.
