
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Dollar Tree, Lowe’s,and Romance

Hello, imaginary friends!

DD#2 went back to school Tuesday, which means I’m right back in with her.

I think a few of my 7th grade hoodlums actually missed me.


Is it Friday yet? Winking smile

Today I noticed a strange phenomenon at my school desk.

All of my pencils and pens had disappeared.

Every. single. one.

Blue, black, red, broken, with or without erasers.

All. Gone.

So…I went to Dollar Tree and stocked up on pencils,

tacky silk flowers,

and plastic cups.


Each table group now gets five floral pencils,

and nobody leaves the room unless all five are back in the cup at the end of the period.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Here’s the romance part.

(I know you were waiting.)

After my dollar store run, Big Run called and invited me on a date while the girls were at youth group.

We went to Lowes and planned our summer projects.


Deck stain + new tub drain + my cute man = marital bliss. Smile

Be blessed today!




  1. Glad your life, and that of your daughter, is getting back to normal. Love the DATE!!!
