
Sunday, January 22, 2012

When Spring Is a Long Way Off

It’s been rainy here.

Today, the sun is trying to peek through, but the clouds will win the day and rule the week to come, if forecasts are correct.



I want sunshine, please, and plenty of it.


I’ll even trade the milder temperatures we’ve had this year for some blue skies.



There’s just one problem.

We need this rain.

Rivers run full, if muddy, and streams that had faded to trickles in the fall are rushing and churning over rocks again.

So, truthfully, I should be thankful for another day with wind-shield wipers on.

Charles Spurgeon wrote:

We need affliction as the trees need winter that we may collect sap and nourishment for future blossoms and fruit.  Sorrow is as necessary for the soul as medicine is for the body.”

I need the rain.

I am not enjoying it.

I am tired of it,

but I need it, somehow, and I am asking for it to bloom into something I can’t yet see.


Be blessed today,



1 comment:

  1. Stopped at the store on the way home from church today and ended up buying more than the milk, bleach and paper towels that I had run in there for. I bought a bag of fall hyacinth bulbs that had started to sprout and were on clearance. When I got home I planted them willy nilly in various cute little containers hoping to force some spring color into my house during these gray, rainy days. It made me smile.
