
Monday, January 2, 2012

A Sneeze Changes Everything

Welcome to 2012!

This was intended to be the post where I wished you a cheerful Happy New Year, showed you my January mantel, which might be my favorite of all time, and chatted with you over a cup of coffee about newness and goals and growth and all that other stuff.

Then I sneezed.

You see, I have a dicey back, and as happens about once a year, I pulled it last Thursday.

Chiropractor, ice, ibuprofen, typical stuff.

I was standing in my kitchen last night talking to the girls when I sneezed.  Pain ripped through my back and left me bent double over the counter, completely stuck and hurting more than I ever have.

For the record, I’ve had two babies and two major surgeries,

but girlfriend, I have never hurt like that before.

One trip to the ER and lots of painkillers later, I can say 2012 started, ahem, auspiciously.

One of my favorite Christian authors is Selwyn Hughes.  Last week I started his excellent devotional, God The Enough.

In it, we are challenged to recognize that God really is enough for all our needs—particularly my need for grace greater, more powerful, and deeper than the seemingly limitless depth of my sin.

I had already decided that my word for 2012 was enough—to walk this year with the daily awareness that He is extravagant in every way and in all circumstances.

Ironically, as I begin 2012 with my teeth gritted against spasms and my head woozy with medicine, I get my first field trip of the year.

Lord, You are enough in the midst of this pain.  You were with me last night; You did not forsake me, just as You promised. You are teaching, guiding, comforting, working all things for Your glory and my good.

You are God, The Enough.

Be satisfied in Christ alone,




  1. Ginger... the good news is that 2012 has barely started, so there's still time to redeem this year :). I pray you feel better and can enjoy what this year brings!!

  2. Oh sweet friend, I hope you feel better quickly. So sorry. So thankful HE is enough.

  3. Long time no hear from me, I know. My heart goes out to you. Been there. I'll be praying for healing. You take care of yourself.

  4. Oh that doesn't sound a great way to start the New Year, but you're an inspiration to find something so precious in something so painful.
    I hope you're all better very soon.
    God bless and a Happy (and healthy) New Year, as soon as possible. Hx
