
Thursday, August 30, 2012


A Mini Alphabet Book about This Week
A is for Apple Cheddar Scones. 
 A friend shared some of her abundant apple crop, and we baked a batch of these.  They're why autumn needs to arrive soon.
B is for Back to School Busyness. I'm already behind, but I've accepted that this is a semi-permanent condition.
C is for cut, as in haircut.  After years of shoulder-length bushiness curls, it was time for short.  I might take a picture if y'all promise to not to comment on how un-photogenic I am.
D is for Darling Daughters, both of whom are precious even when they're grumpy. One is grumpy in the morning and the other in the evening.  It's a whole day of precious grumpiness, or grumpy preciousness--whichever you want.
D is also for didn't go to bed on time, so it's time to say goodnight!
Be blessed,


  1. MMMMM...are you going to share that recipe? It sounds delicious!

  2. Definitely need to see a pic of your new do!!! Have a great weekend.

  3. I love 'Precious Grumpiness'! I am going to think of my daughters' I-am-tired-I-am-hungry crabbiness as 'Precious Grumpiness' from now on. I wonder if I could persuade them to think of mine in the same way?
    Would love to see a picture of you.

  4. I just happen to love any form.
    Just checking back for any new posts you may have written.
    I’ve been a follower on your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

  5. I was expecting you to end with "E" is for Exhausted. :)
